A public build of Rogschard v1.0.0.x has been released! I wanna thank everyone for these two years of support, it has been a wild ride! I put out the prototype of this strange, strange beast of a game after about a month of work, and even though it was missing almost every type of interaction to make it fun, people seemed to resonate with it. Over time, items, combat, maps, inventory systems, levels, player avatars, and countless other systems have been added, making it quite the strange chimera. In retrospect, the game could have benefited from some more planning from the start, or any planning in general, but ah well, you live and you learn. I hope you enjoyed coming on this strange adventure with me, it has been a blast.
After this release, I ain’t disappearing down the well just yet. There will be post game content made, but that will be coming out on a when-it-is-done basis. You can read more about the future of Rogschard here. Also, I am working on a prototype for something new, you can learn more about that on the Discord.